Downhole Battery Data Analysis With Criterion 4: Q&A with Bob Fay, Regional Manager, Houston, Excell Battery

May 31, 2024 in Resource

In this Q&A, Excell Battery’s Houston Regional Manager Bob Fay discusses the basics of downhole battery analysis and how to use Criterion 4 to maximize your downhole battery and tool investments. For more on the subject, you can watch our latest webinar HERE.

Q: Why is accurate and reliable data imperative to a downhole drilling operation?

Bob: When something happens to a tool or battery downhole, accurate and reliable data can help you find the cause and troubleshoot. Battery data from a Criterion 4-equipped battery gives operators insights into potential issues.

Q: Are there any common misconceptions amongst operators and/or manufacturers?

Bob: Operators and manufacturers often underestimate the high-resolution data that Criterion 4 can provide. Many do not realize the quality of data that this tool offers, leading to misinterpretations or missed opportunities for a better understanding of downhole conditions.

Q: Is there a problem in interpreting the data? Do operators struggle with understanding the amount of data provided?

Bob: Interpreting the data collected by Criterion 4 can be challenging for some operators. It is important for them to be trained to use the data effectively to make informed decisions. Understanding what metrics to look for and how to interpret them can help operators gain valuable insights.

Q: What are the top metrics that an operator should pay attention to?

Bob: Operators should focus on checking the voltage versus current output. That seems to be the number one indicator of issues that have occurred downhole. Whether they’ve used up the battery, or the tool has a failure causing a short circuit, you’re able to look at the current curves to see what that tool is doing. Comparing that against the voltage curve allows you to check if the battery is reacting appropriately to different conditions. Additionally, the CR4 has a very sensitive shock and vibration monitor which can give you a pretty good idea of the downhole conditions.

Q: How can an operator get the best usage out of a Criterion 4 battery?

Bob: The biggest thing is making sure you have sufficient memory capacity to cover the entire run downhole. There are tools in the Criterion app to optimize the amount of data you collect over a period of time, and using them ensures you gain a comprehensive picture of downhole conditions.

Q: What are the limitations of today’s technology?

Bob: One limitation of today’s technology is that the CR4 gauge is a consumable item that cannot be reused. While it collects accurate data from downhole conditions, the cost of the gauge needs to be balanced to ensure it does not significantly increase the overall battery price. But considering what it does cost, it is a very powerful electronic board that collects very good data from downhole conditions.

Q: Where is the technology headed?

Bob: Well, we do have Criterion 5 in the works. We’ll keep specific details confidential for now, but the upcoming upgrades are expected to enhance data analysis capabilities and further improve operations in the industry.

Q: With respect to downhole drilling data analysis, are there any current trends you see?

Bob: I think the biggest thing I find when I look at the data are blown fuses. The battery’s fuse is blown, and so why did that happen? So what are the signs that cause the batteries to blow the fuse? The Criterion data can show that to you if you know how to look for it.

For more information, watch our latest webinar on Downhole Battery Analysis With Criterion 4 HERE.